Simon Cowell Says “The X Factor” Firings Are Just Business [VIDEO]
It's been all over the news how two of the judges, and the emcee got fired from "The X Factor". First reports showed Nicole Scherzinhger was the first to go along with host Steve Jones. Then news that judge Paula Abdul was let go as well. Simon Cowell, the show's creator says the firings came after a top secret meeting to determine what went wrong and what was done right. Pre-season Simon said the viewing audience would topple "American Idol". It didn't. Simon says he wishes he hadn't opened his "big mouth", saying "everybody would be saying the show as a huge success."
With these firings, Simon told that Paula understood why it happened. "She understands it's business; it's never personal". He adds that Nicole was probably not necessarily mad, just disappointed. Nonetheless, there was a winner determined this season--Melanie Amaro, who is now moving on and could care less who's a judge next season. Here's a taste of her beautiful voice.