A beloved Lubbock homeless woman was arrested for criminal trespassing in a building/property but a few good big hearted people decided to help her out.
At the Celebration Luncheon, Mark Griffin, Lubbock Area United Way Campaign Chair announced that the community had contributed almost $6 million to its 2021 Annual Campaign.
13-year-old Annalise Guerrero was taken to the hospital after she suffered a brain hemorrhage on Thursday, April 22nd, and the Idalou School district has been raising money to support her.
The morning of Thursday, January 7th, 29-year-old Jennifer Garza and 30-year-old Joe Garza Jr. were killed in a car crash, and the family is asking for donations to help fund their funeral.
There are people in Lubbock and on the South Plains that need your help. They need you to roll up you sleeve and give the gift of life. It's called giving blood.