Not Everyone Got Rain Last Night, But Those Who Did Are Happy

Come on Lubbock citizens, just admit it. You didn't think it was going to rain last night either. If you were like me you were watching the radar as the rainfall and storms were inching their way towards the east to cover Lubbock, Ralls, and many other cities across the South Plains.
The big winner in the rainfall total from last was Denver City who collected about 1.93" inches of rain. Levelland was another big winner as they received 1.13" and Ralls collected 1.38". While portions of Lubbock reportedly received about an inch of rain, the official reading at the airport had Lubbock below an inch of rain at .71". And while that may not seem like a lot. According to a tweet from the National Weather Service, Lubbock got more rain on Tuesday night than in December, January, February, March, and April, combined!
Of course as great as last night's rain was, we could always use more rain. Lubbock and the surrounding area is still in a drought and it will take a lot more rain to catch up to where we should be.
It will also be nice to see some of our playa lakes take water in rather than lose water. Some of our area playa lakes are bone dry, but a good long soaking rain can certainly help. And finally, for our ag producers, that rain that we had last night was an answered prayer as it should help our ag producers when it comes to planting.
Continue to pray for rain.
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