When you graduate college and become an adult it definitely takes a big adjustment period.

When I graduated I couldn't have done any of it without my parents and really still can't. Parents will always be your parents and sometimes kids can be a little ungrateful.

One of those kids is on blast for it and he went to Texas Tech. During The Steve Harvey Show, he had the chance to ask Steve something and you will never believe what it was.

He explained that he had to move back in with his parents after graduating from Texas Tech University because he was struggling to get a full-time job.

Did he ask how to find a job or what he should do? No, he complained about his DAD!

He told Steve that his dad gets up very early on the weekends and makes these gourmet breakfasts. This TTU Grad goes on to say that he likes to sleep in on the weekends and that he appreciates what his dad does for him. How can he let his dad know that he needs to sleep in and cook later on the weekend? Crazy right?

Well here is the whole video and Steve's answer, take a look.

Hopefully, this man now knows how lucky he is to have a father to not only let him come back and live with him but also take the time out to make him a gourmet breakfast.

Make sure you think of your parents when you can and spend time with them because life is short.

Which of these Lubbock photos gives off worse vibes?


Lubbock Buildings That Seem to be Cursed: 3524 Avenue Q

Have you ever noticed some buildings that just don't seem to have a business that likes to stick around?

As a constantly growing and ever-changing city, Lubbock is always seeing new businesses call the Hub City home. While many find a building to call home and see great success with that choice, others are not so fortunate.

Whether you call it capitalism or misfortune, it's a building that just seems to be cursed. One good example I can think of is this one at 3524 Avenue Q.

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