Most Kids Experience New Technology
A new study is out showing kids and their use of mobile devices and computers. 52% of all children 8 and younger have access to mobile devices at home. The study by Common Sense Media also shows that 11 percent of these kids use a cellphone or iPod or iPad. And about 43 minutes on the average is spent with these devices. We're talking second and third graders here, folks! These items have been introduced to the kids, of course, through schools and someone has to buy them, right? The study also found that 29% of the parents of these children have downloaded apps specifically for their children to use. And what about the younger ones? 53% of the 2-4 year-olds have used a computer and 90% of 5-8 year-olds have used one. If you're an adult reading this out there, and you're computer illiterate, contact a kid. They can help you out!