Why Buc-ee’s Holds No Magic For Lubbock
I know you think you want one of these super convenience stores here, but you don't.
The reason you love Buc-ee's is probably not what you think it is. It's more about it being a break from the road than anything else. And if you're not taking a break from the road, then part of the magic is gone.
When you're on a road trip, you have great lengths where there's just nothing. Then, rising up, is civilization in the form of a convenience store. It's not any old convenience story either; it's huge. It's your first chance to pee, to look at things that are exotic and foreign to your area. (Native American Salt n' Pepper shakers? Whoa.) It's also the place where you bust your diet and get those treats you wouldn't ordinarily allow yourself. It's also somewhere to get the kids something so they'll finally shut up for a bit.
It's the same thing when you leave town. You get stocked up, say goodbye to civilization and move get on the road. I get it, you love Buc-ee's for the same reasons I love the TA Travel stop just outside of Sweetwater. The TA for me means I'm coming up on Abilene or about halfway to Austin and is a highlight for every trip I take.
I know somewhere in your mind you see a Buc-ee's popping up near the mall or the West End Center and that's not going to happen. If it wasn't special and didn't represent the things I mentioned, you wouldn't go there anyway. Buc-ee's specializes in people heading out of town and people who want to stop so they can drive through your town.
Admittedly, Buc-ee's does a fantastic job. If road trips had a Christmas, Buc-ee's would be Santa Claus. They aren't satisfied with being enough to get you down the road, but they blow your eyes out with a huge selection of a bunch of stuff you don't really need, but really want.
So Lubbock doesn't need a Buc-ee's, but if you want to put a fine point on it, New Deal, Wolfforth or Reese Center might. After all, when was the last time you visited Flying J or Love's?