This past weekend I was the p.a. announcer for some high school baseball at Dan Law Field at Texas Tech University. During the championship game of the tournament, it dawned on me that this is the last event that will be held at "the Law" before the renovations begin.


The old press box that I sat in doing the p.a. duties since around 1998, will be torn down soon. It's time though. I remember that for a time, we had to sick a foam rubber hand in the shape of the guns up sign in the door jam so the door between our area and the visiting radio booth would stay shut.

Then there was the time that, for no reason at all, except for maybe it was just old, the ceiling tiles came down on A.J. sports editor George Watson. George was not a happy camper.

Now that pressbox and those suites are all coming down. There will always be the memories, but I'm really forward to the new digs

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