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The Lubbock Freebirds World Burrito restaurant at 4930 S. Loop 289 is not open, but are they closed?

We think they are closed. But there's no closed sign or notice on their door or on social media. Upon further investigation, we found out that they are in, fact, closed.

The location is no longer on the official Freebirds website. The hours have also been rubbed off the door. However, the tables and more are still inside, so we had some hope they might reopen.

photo Justin Massoud Townsquare Media
Justin Massoud, Townsquare Media Lubbock

We looked for anyone who might have eaten there and talked to someone who ate there last year. They said it was pretty good. So we can't help but wonder what happened to the Freebirds World Burrito in Lubbock.

There's nothing on their Facebook page. A call to the next closest location, which is somewhere near Dallas, found us on a long phone wait. Finally, a human (as they call it!) picked up. That human was super busy, but had no idea about the now-dark Lubbock Freebirds. So apparently, Freebirds is still alive and well in other neighboring parts of Texas.

We're sorry to see you close up your place in Lubbock, Freebirds World Burrito, and we wish you all the best.

Iconic Lubbock businesses that have closed overs the years

Iconic Lubbock Businesses That Have Closed Over the Years


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