Texas Tech, Covenant and American Cancer Society Help Smokers Quit at the Great American Smokeout
The single largest preventable cause of disease and premature death in the U.S. is tobacco use. With the Great American Smokeout coming up Thursday, Nov 17, Texas Tech University is getting involved. From 3-6 p.m. Thursday Impact Tech, a group of peer health educators, will man a booth in the center of the Rec center with info on quitting and support once you've kicked the habit. Covenant Health System and The American Cancer Society as well are getting involved on Thursday with info booths from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Covenant's lobby.
Being a former smoker I can testify to how hard it is to quit. I've quit several times and finally mastered it by hypnosis about ten years ago. It was one of the most 'freeing' things I've ever done for my body...mentally and physically. Basically, I just got really tired of smelling bad. Hypnosis worked for me but I've also heard of great success through smoking clinics, tapering off and quitting cold turkey. But the most important aspect of the quitting process is your mental state. You have to earnestly WANT to quit. Hope you will take a step towards a healthier life, reducing your risk of cancer. For more information go to this website.
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