Subway Passes McDonald’s as Fast Food Kings
Subway has officially passed McDonald's as the largest food chain in the world, according to the Securities and Exchange Commission. Subway only passed the Golden Arches in actual number of stores, not in profit.
Subway reported at the end of 2010 that they had 33,749 chains across the world. At last report, McDonald's sat at 32,737 chains across the world. The number though could be higher, but McDonald's did not report their totals from 2010 to the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Subway is not tops though when it comes to actual profit. That still belongs to Ronald McDonald and crew. McDonald's reported over $24 billion in revenue last year. Subway didn't disappoint as they finished the year at $15.2 billion made world wide.
Which fast food chain is your favorite? McDonald's, Subway or somewhere else?