Stocking Stuffer Market This Afternoon
You can get a jump start on Christmas this afternoon.
It's a four o'clock kickoff for the "Stocking Stuffer Market" happening today at Wild Lark Books. The store is teaming up with the Auld Brewery to host some local crafters/vendors this afternoon.
I am very familiar with the craft markets around town and I can tell you that you would be very surprised by the cool stuff that is available out there. You'll find candles, soaps, jewelry, and much more. Let me also point out that you'll find items for everybody. These crafters generally have a huge selection of merchandise that appeals to men, women, the young, and the old.
I'll have to admit that I had no idea this bookstore even existed before posting this event. This is the kind of cooperation we need between businesses and the arts that is ultimately good for everybody. Think of it this way, if for some reason, and I highly doubt you'll find one, you can't find a suitable crafty gift, then turn around and pick up a book!
Now what I'm wondering is....what is "Auld Brewing" have to do with this? Is this beer, books, and buying cool stuff? Are we slammin' brewski's or checking out a taste here and there? I don't have details at press time, but a little sippy-poo while browsing sounds like a pretty sweet idea to me.
The Stocking Stuffer Market will be between 4-8 tonight at Wild Lark Books at 513 Broadway. You can actually check out the event invite here.