Several years ago a man from Seattle, Scott Truitt, who traveled extensively, wanted to find a way to say 'thank you' to the many military personnel he encountered when he didn't have the opportunity for a full conversation. And because he wanted others to join in, he founded The Gratitude Campaign. He has gone country-wide football stadiums and radio and television stations spreading the word...or in this case, the sign.  I found out about it through an email.


Scott came up with using a sign that incorporates a similar gesture to the American Sign Language sign for "thank you". The ASL sign uses the mouth as the starting place for your hand which is pulled down and out(almost like a kiss). In Scott's sign you start with your hand over your heart as if saying the Pledge of Allegiance. Your hand is pulled down and out, bending at the elbow and not the wrist, staying for a moment on the belly button with the palm up. It means "Thank You from the Bottom of My Heart". You can use the sign while passing a person in uniform, whether military or first responder. It's a beautiful way to show we appreciate those who serve on a local or global level. This video will help you practice the sign.

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