Meet Basketball Coach Mark Adams This Wednesday
Here's a great opportunity for you to spend a few minutes with a future legend.
Coach Adams will be at the United Supermarkets store at 114th and Slide beginning at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 20th. The event is being promoted as a meet and greet, but it sure sounds more like a pep rally.
The coach will do a short question and answer session and sign autographs. The Texas Tech Spirit Squad will also be on hand, along with Raider Red. There are also plans to have samples, games and prizes.
Everything is first come, first-served, and the event is scheduled to last until 7 p.m.
This event, even if it's a promotional appearance, is a great example of the accessibility and hometown love that you get with this coach. Coach Adams is very down-to-earth, grounded and humble about his place in Texas Tech Athletics.
Since you may not be prepared for your big moment with the coach, I have some prepared questions for you:
*How is recruiting going?
*Will you be making any changes to your approach?
*How much of the profits from this Newman's Own Alfredo sauce actually go to charity, or is it just a marketing gimmick? (It's about 30 million a year, but how much for the pint you're holding up is what's important).
*What do you look for in a player?
*Can I get a jumpstart, my battery is dead?
*Is the best morning radio show in Lubbock Chrissy and Wes, or The RockShow?
You're welcome. Tell the coach we said 'hi.'
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