This Easter, a special historic journey can be a part of your celebration.

There are still some amazing churches that date back to almost the turn of last century here in Lubbock, and will bring a wonderful historic sense of beauty to your holiday.

Redeemer Lutheran Church at 2222 Avenue W has a remarkable Lubbock history. Here's the story they shared on Facebook:

Redeemer was organized in 1932 when Lubbock was a town of 22,000 people. Since then, Redeemer has grown and matured with the city. We are neither urban nor rural but a pleasant mixture of dedicated Christians from all walks of life.

Historic Redeemer Lutheran Church presents the Lutheran Hour Sunday mornings, 8 a.m. on News/Talk KFYO. Here's their special Easter Week schedule:

Maundy Thursday, April 18 at 7:00 p.m.
Good Friday, April 19 at 8:00 p.m.

Easter Service, April 21 at 9:30 with breakfast at 8:00 and Easter Egg Hunt after the service.

And First Christian Church at 2323 Broadway has a remarkable history to share as well. From their Facebook page:

Church that still looks like Church:
Bible-based teaching
Classic Worship
Changed Lives

Established in 1901 through the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) with the hope of participating in the Body of Christ before all else, honoring what holds us together over what may divide us. We are a diverse group of believers with a focus on Christ Jesus and the furthering of His Gospel of grace and truth that brings us into new life!

They shared their special holiday service schedule with us as well:

April 18th 6:00 pm and 6:30 pm- The Lamb
April 19th 6:00 pm- The Lamb continued
April 21st 8:30 and 10:40- Easter Services

If your non-profit organization, business or church has a special event to share, you can contact us at and on our Lonestar 99.5 Facebook page.

We wish you a wonderful Holy Week and Happy Easter.

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