Lubbock Woman’s Cat Killed in Gruesome Manner
MariAnn Posey found her cat stuck into the dog door with her front limbs missing.
According to the report from KAMC News, Posey, who lives in Northwest Lubbock, came home after work back on November 9 and made the discovery.
She called Animal Services who came right away despite the fact it was after hours. Posey told KAMC that the Animal Control officer was shocked and had never seen anything like that before.
Posey also contacted the Lubbock Police Department to report the incident. She believes she found the spot where the cat was thrown over the fence and thinks her dogs may have tried to bring it into the house.
Posey is concerned for other animals and even people in the neighborhood.
She had adopted the can two months ago. She said Theodore was a great cat and she was crushed to see that he died in such a violent nature.
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