LEPC Announces A Campaign In Support Our First Responders Due To COVID-19

The Lubbock County Local Emergency Planning Committee announced a campaign in support of our First Responders, according to a recent press release.
Due to COVID-19 donations that usually fund an effort like this have run short and there is a tremendous need for essential basic supplies to fuel first responders across the South Plains Region.
The drive is for bottled water, Powerade, Gatorade and monetary donations to help purchase these items to hydrate our incredible first responders.
Our First Responders sacrifice so much to keep us safe. They put their lives on the line every day and work long hours in extreme conditions. It's time to pull together in an effort to support them.
Staying hydrated in crisis, in the summer heat is essential for everyone and even more challenging for First Responders.
Gather your donations. Connect with your friends, help to get the word out. It's time to pull together to make a difference.
This vitally essential campaign is being officially launched as 'Support Our First Responders Campaign' with a major push from July 3rd thru July 6th.
So this fourth of July weekend is our chance to give back to the men and women who sacrifice for our safety every day, our first responders.
Contact the Lubbock County Office of Emergency Management at 806 775-7300 for details. Or follow this link to their website for additional information.
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