Step right up, step right up! Witness this glorious clash between these important holidays commemorating our household heroes. But who, you might ask, is commemorated more? Who sees the most expenses heading their way on these days of appreciation?

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In one corner, weighing in at one John Deere tractor and a Big Green Egg, we have the fathers. Can their dad-breath and weird toenails even possibly stand a chance against their competition?

In the other corner, the forever-27-year-old moms, eager to kiss booboos and post outdated memes on Facebook. Which will prevail, nurture or nature when these mama bears show their claws?

Mother's Day stats

It's looking dicey for the fathers out there with approximately 84% of U.S. adults celebrating Mother's Day this year, with each adult spending just over $250.

Flowers and greeting cards were on the minds when considering gifts for mom, with 74% of Mother's Day gifts falling under these categories. Also, nearly $7.8 billion is expected to be the total this year spent on jewelry, with $5.6 billion spent on special outings.

In total, this year was expected to reach $33.5 billion in the U.S., but the record was set in 2023 at just over 35.7 b-b-billion big ones. That sure can get you a lot of yarn and essential oils, let me tell you.

Father's Day stats

Last year, 75% of consumers said they plan on spending money on their dads, with each person spending, on average, $196.23.

The most popular Father's Day gift last year? Special outings at over $4.4 billion. Close by was clothing at $3.5 billion, and in third place: gift cards at $2.8 billion.

You almost have to feel bad for the dads out there when the overall spending for Father's Day rested at a piddly $22.9 billion.

So, it's official: Americans love their moms more than their dads... truth hurts sometimes.

Under all of the ties and candles, it's important to acknowledge the real meaning behind these days. Many of us wouldn't be here without the support of our parents. Make sure you let yours know what they mean to you.

Also, make sure you rub it into your dad's face that people spend more on Mother's Day... that's crucial.


Gallery Credit: Bill Trotta

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