You Can Celebrate Halloween In Lubbock, Texas Right Now!
I think we have hit a new mark, for early holiday celebrations.
I'll be the first to admit that I don't like it when Christmas starts creeping into Halloween. Heck, I'd be fine if I didn't hear about Christmas until there's snow on the left-out Halloween Pumpkins. Even then, Halloween is a little less than two months away from Christmas.
So I'm going to be a complete hypocrite when I say that I am overjoyed to see Halloween merchandise arrive in at least one store, well before the 4th of July. Yes, there are still red, white, and blue items on the store shelves and one row over its skeletons in spooky robes.
Of course, I'm talking about the store called, "At Home". I actually got a message from a friend last week that stocking of Halloween merchandise had begun, so I went and checked it out for myself on Sunday (Father's Day). I would say based on the cleared shelves, that we're only seeing about 30% or less of the merchandise that will be available, but it was more than enough to warm my Halloween heart.
Apparently "The Nightmare Before Christmas" will once again be a big theme again this year and for some reason, the Halloween Gnomes are returning (I still don't get the connection between Halloween and Gnomes). As I said, the stock is just starting to fill in, but it is a nice cross-section of stuff from pumpkins to skeletons and more. I snapped a few pics of some of the stuff available right now, so get your Halloween on early!