Don’t Miss the City of Lubbock’s First Trunk or Treat
As we get closer towards the end of October that can only mean one thing. Halloween is almost here. For many across the South Plains Halloween is the time when you get your child, or your own costumes, ready and start looking at where all the Fall Festivals in town are located. Obviously churches and the local colleges in town have their Trunk or Treats but this year one Trunk or Treat is being held and the entire city is invited.
For the very first time the City of Lubbock City Prosecutor's Office and Municipal Court will be hosting their first Trunk or Treat. This community outreach event took a year to plan due to the big move that the City of Lubbock Departments made to be closer to each other at Citizens Tower back in July of this year. This Trunk or Treat event gives many residents the opportunity to know where the building is located along with where the new Lubbock Police Department will be in the future.
This City of Lubbock Multi-Department Trunk or Treat will have the Municipal Court, Lubbock Fire Department, and Lubbock Police there to hand out candy also. The Lubbock Police Department will also be directing traffic and closing 14th Street and Avenue L near Municipal Court starting at 5:30 p.m.. The Trunk or Treat will go from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. October 27, anyone with questions about the event or any groups/business wanting to inquiry about participating are urged to contact Alisha Zamora, at 806-775-2464 or email at azamora@mylubbock.us, no later than Friday, October 21.
All those wanting to participate must have a head count of who will be joining and bring provide candy for their area, extra candy will be provided in the case that those participants run out. Parking will be available in the parking garage located across from Citizens Tower and Municipal Court at 1214 14th Street.