Don’t Die From Heat Stroke. Here Are The Signs Of Heat Exhaustion & Stroke

It is going to be another hot day in Lubbock and throughout Texas. In and around Lubbock, high temperatures are expected to hit 108 degrees. Abilene and the Dallas-Fort Worth areas could see temperatures from 108-110 degrees, and Wichita Falls could see a high temperature of 114 degrees.
Yesterday we discussed the danger of extreme heat for pets. Today and for the rest of the week and throughout the rest of the summer.
Heat stroke doesn't just impact those who are older or out of shape. As NBCDFW reported, heat stroke can happen to anyone, just like it happened to a former Dallas Cowboys player.
The news of Marion Barber’s death in June rocked the sports world. Medical examiners now say when the former Dallas Cowboys running back was found unresponsive inside of his Frisco apartment, he’d suffered a heat stroke.
Dr. Seemal R. Desai said temperatures like what we’ve seen recently in North Texas mean no one is exempt from an elevated risk of heat-related illness.
“I think it’s important for the public to know this isn’t just limited to underlying medical conditions or the elderly,” Desai said. “Yes, those are risk factors. But this is something we all have to be aware of.”
So what symptoms do you need to be looking for when it comes to heat related illness? People can experience everything from heat cramps to heat exhaustion which could lead to heat stroke which can be fatal.
According to the Washington Post, the symptoms of heat exhaustion are things many people may have actually felt before. Symptoms include "heavy sweating, nausea along with vomiting, increased heart rate, dizziness, fatigue, and just not feeling well". If suffering any of those symptoms while outside working, walking, or messing around, make sure you stop and get treated. If left untreated heat exhaustion could lead to a deadly heat stroke. According to the Washington Post, here are the signs you are in real trouble.
Some key signs of heat stroke are central nervous system dysfunction, such as feeling confused or having seizures, as well as a lack of sweat.
The best ways of avoiding heat related illnesses and of course death? Avoid being outside during the heat of the day. Drink a lot of water, take breaks from outdoor activities, drink more water, wear the right type of clothing, and go ahead and drink more water.
Even the City of Lubbock is attempting to warn citizens of heat related issues.
If you have to be outdoors, stay hydrated and safe and know the warning signs of your own body.