It's the New Year and millions of us endeavor to start working out and eating better. It sounds great on New Year's Day in the afterglow of holiday consumption, whether food, alcohol or a big mix of both. Then reality sets in. So, how do you stay committed past the first week or two?

Here's a list of the top excuses and ways to get around, over or through them to establish a pattern or habit that lends itself to a healthier, longer and better quality life.

There's always a reason not to. If you're like me, you can justify any excuse. But when it comes down to it, I've had to admit to myself that it's just that -- an excuse.

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    I Don't Have Time

    If you don't have a long stretch of time, you could break up your workout into shorter sessions. Some activity is better than none. "

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    I'm Too Tired

    Working out actually gives you more energy. Your body makes feel-good hormones (endorphins), "and you're getting the circulation going," says Marisa Brunett, a certified athletic trainer in Orlando, Fla. It may help to work out in the morning before your day gets away from you


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    I Don't Get a Break From the Kids

    Take the kids with you.  While they're playing, you can walk around the playground, or jump rope nearby. During their games or sports practices, walk briskly around the field.Go biking with your kids, put up a badminton net in your yard, sign up as a family for "fun runs,", like our Insane Inflatable 5K, or just walk around the neighborhood with your children. When the weather's bad, try active video games like "Dance Dance Revolution," "Wii Sport," and "Wii Fit."

    "When mom or dad is more fit, has more energy, the whole family benefits,”

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    Exercise Is Boring

    Find an activity you love. Try inline skating, dancing, or gardening. Join a sports league. Or go dancing. If it makes exercise more enjoyable for you, it's OK to watch TV or read while you're on the exercise bike or treadmill, as long as your workout is still challenging.

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    I Just Don't Like to Move

    Is it that you don't like getting sweaty? You can work out indoors where it's air conditioned. You can swim so you won't notice any perspiration. Or try a low-sweat activity, like gentle types of yoga. Or if you have joint pain, go for low impact or water exercises that don't stress your joints out.

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    I've Tried Before

    Set goals that are small and realistic. Then you're more likely to feel like a success, not a failure, It also helps to keep a log and post it somewhere public, even on Facebook and take a buddy.

    I have a workout partner and we go at 5:15am to the gym.  She is the main reason I go.  Accountability.  I don't want to let her down.  We both know we won't go if the other one doesn't.

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    It's Too Cold

    Especially lately, the weather has been cold and nasty.  “If you’re new, you don’t need to get out in the weather like this,” said Judy Fleming, the Fitness Director at Wellness Today. “Even me – I’m an experienced cyclist and runner. I’m going to look at the options and see how bad it is before I go out.”

    “If you exercise outdoors, then you have got to have all the proper clothing on – ears, toes, and head all covered,” Fleming said. Going to the gym to exercise is one option in bad weather, but for those without a gym membership Fleming says, as one example, that a chair can be used as a make-shift piece of exercise equipment.

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