I know a lot of people are going to be going out tonight. Be sure you get a safe ride home.

Let's face it, I know we will have accidents in Wichita Falls tonight. Someone is going to go out for some drinks and drive home. DON"T! So many ride services are offering discounts or free rides for New Year's Eve. If you choose to drive home tonight, that's on you.

Hopefully, you don't increase the statistics for deadliest state to drive in on New Year's Eve. Statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration prove it. The statistics are from 2013 to 2018. Texas has the fifth most crashes in the country from New Year's Eve to New Year's Day.

Almost 200 Texans have died in that two day period the past five years. Making it the highest in the country for that statistic. Guess when most of these accidents happen? Between 2 to 3 in the morning, right after the bars close. So be safe tonight. Call a ride service, taxi, tow truck. Check this link out for discounts for a safe ride home tonight.

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