Texas has made it into the top 10 of a new Gallup-Healthways poll that ranks states by their happiness and well-being.

Scores are neck to neck, but Texas is in there at no. 10. The number one happiest state is Hawaii, with a well-being score of 65.2 out of 100. These must have been some pretty tough questions. Ironically, Alaska, which would seem the polar opposite of happy weather-wise, is number two with a score of 64.

In this survey, weather doesn't seem to be a factor in happiness. The survey included answers to questions about health, and other factors important to happiness like a sense of purpose, social life, finances and sense of community and involvement.

This is the sixth time Hawaii has come out on top. It's also the second time Alaska has come in second.

Gallup-Healthways has a 'Blue Zones' project which includes Texas and is focused on working with state leaders in conjunction with grocery stores and restaurants to make it easier for us to choose healthy foods.

Some advice from another recent article about the pursuit of happiness that I thought was a pretty interesting said we need to pursue activities that make us happy; just focusing on happiness is illusive. So, go do happy things and let's help Texas climb up this list for next year!

Not many countries have set their focus on life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as we have here in America. So how do you think we're doing?


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