Something New is Coming to the Old Pecan Ridge in 2022
If you like to support local like we then we have some good news. A new store is opening up at the old Pecan Ridge location off of 114th street.
It is a five generation for the meats called Cotter Key Farms but the store is going to be called Out West Mercantile. The store will support local businesses and offer a wide selection of gifts that are great for customers, friends, family and so much more. They will cover all different kinds of seasons, holidays and occasions.
They will have more than 22 local vendors to choose from in their store as well. It will range from products like jars, flavored pecans coffee, salsa, locally grown meats, and so much more. There will also be a coffee bar with local pasties, a restaurant in the back with Chef Pierre, a gazebo in the pecan orchard and also carrying local win and beer. It truly is a one-stop shop for all things local.
They will be located at the old Pecan Ridge at 6201 114th St 79424. It is going over a huge remodel and will also still be carrying pecans and the recipes from Pecan Ridge.
Pamra Culp with Out West Mercantile says "it is going to be amazing and of course we are supporting a ton of locals which is very heart warming."
They hope to open by the first of the year. We will keep you updated when we find out more information. You can also keep up with them on Facebook or their website that should be up soon.
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