See How Unbelievable the Luxuries are at T. Boone Pickens’ Texas Mesa Vista Ranch

First off, if you don't know exactly who T. Boone Pickens is, he was a Texas oil tycoon and founder of Mesa Oil. Pickens was also well-known for his aggressive takeovers, corporate raiding, and his expansive Texas ranch. It's believed that Pickens net worth was over $500 million dollars.
How big is the Mesa Vista Ranch? It's been said that it's twice the size of San Francisco California, over 100 square miles in the eastern part of the Texas Panhandle. T. Boone spent 50 years amassing the land, building, and assembling the Mesa Vista Ranch (MVR).
The Ranch has its own Airport, Chapel, Golf Course, Dog Kennel, and so Much More
LOOK: This Is The T. Boone Pickens Mesa Vista Ranch He built
Hall and Hall Real Estate and Brokerage Firm says: "The sale of the Mesa Vista Ranch is basically “turnkey,” including all rolling stock, equipment, pickup trucks, hunting vehicles, farming equipment, furnishings, bird dogs, etc. The only exclusions are Boone’s personal effects, livestock, and remaining art collection."
Originally T. Boone Pickens' Mesa Vista Ranch was valued at over $250 million dollars. Recently (within the past few weeks) the price was reduced to $170,000,000 with a few changes.
Pickens didn't scrimp on anything for his little piece of heaven on earth. He even had his Oklahoma childhood home moved piece by piece to his Texas MVR as you'll see in the videos below.
The massive MVR has its own water supply consisting of rivers, lakes, creeks, ponds, and more. Take a good look at everything that Thomas Boone Pickens put together over the past 50 years making his place "Home Sweet Home."
The late T. Boone Pickens once said "You do everything to make the land perfect, hoping the next owner has the same passion.”
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