Right on the heels of the biggest candy holiday in the U.S., November ushers in National Diabetes Awareness Month.

We spoke to Brenda Duby with United Supermarket families to discuss ways to educate yourself about diabetes and, if you have it, ways to stay healthy.

Some of the diabetes statistics Brenda told us about are staggering. According to the American Diabetes Association, 30 million adults and children in the U.S. have diabetes. That is 12 percent of our population! And every 19 seconds, someone is diagnosed with diabetes.

But instead of focusing on the negative aspects of diabetes, Duby said there are ways to manage the disease and live well.

Duby said people with diabetes can schedule a tour through Market Street locations with a staff dietitian who will show which foods are a detriment to your health and which foods will help you to live healthier. She added that they can also help people with diabetes "fit a treat or two in."

You can schedule a tour through United Supermarket's official website.

Market Street locations also offer free glucose screenings on Thursdays from 1 to 4 p.m. at the pharmacies, with the exception of Thanksgiving.

United Supermarkets
United Supermarkets

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The United Supermarket Family is making healthy shopping easier by helping you build a better basket. Find out more at United Supermarkets’ official website.

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