Make Your Home Healthier, Wilbanks Vacuum Center Offers Critical Help

This story is sponsored by Wilbanks Vacuum Center
How much time do you spend vacuum cleaning? It's time to vacuum smarter, instead of more often! Wilbanks Vacuum Center offers critical help and shows us how!
I love the team at Wilbanks. They blew me away with some new information that can save our health, help reduce the spread of allergens. fine dust and germs and make vacuum cleaning way more effective and easy.
So if you're tired of vacuuming up the same old dust endlessly, and struggling with allergies, in your own home, you will be happy to learn something about vacuums that can make all the difference.
Your vacuum's exhaust may be releasing fine dust and allergens right back out into the air while your vacuuming. If you have a bagless vacuum chances are much greater that this is exactly what's happening. It's not just your imagination when you feel like you need to vacuum all the time!
Yes, bagless vacs are a trend, but they are missing an important part of the equation, the bag, it's critical to your vacuum's filtration system!
The COVID-19 crisis keeps us vigilant about staying healthy and in addition its spring cleaning and allergy season time too. Your vacuum cleaner plays a major role in keeping you and your family safe and happy, so listen up and save time and headaches!
Talk to Wilbanks Vacuum Center about the difference a bag-vacuum cleaner, and a cleaned and sanitized vacuum can make. The last thing you want right now is fine dust and germs spewing right out of your vacuum's exhaust while you're vacuuming!
Wilbanks helps to keep our vacuums working at top efficiency, cleaned and sanitized. They're dedicated to our Lubbock community and want to help in our full recovery. They look forward to making sure your vacuum cleaner is doing its best to clean up the dust, dirt, pet hair and germs that can hang around your home.
Get your house deep clean. Get the peace of mind you need. Let Wilbanks service your vacuum at a special $47 price in honor of their 47th anniversary in Lubbock (tell them you saw this special here). They will thoroughly clean and sanitize your vacuum, as well as offer curbside service.
Plus, if it's time for a new vacuum, they have the knowledge, expertise and a tremendous selection of vacuums that can make cleaning up a breeze. So you don't have to worry about struggling with an old vacuum anymore.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Wilbanks asks that you allow a little extra time for servicing your vacuum. You can call them 9 a.m. through 6 p.m. to confirm curbside times at (806) 792-3718, or follow this link to their website for details.
Trust the great folks, the Wilbanks family at Wilbanks Vacuum Center to help us get through this. They've been selling the very best vacuums and servicing the rest here in Lubbock since 1973.
Wilbanks Vacuum Center is located at 2149 50th Street in Lubbock, Texas.
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