Lubbock TxDot Hosting Car Seat Safety Event
Back in May of 2022, we asked you about the safety of your child in a car seat. Now TxDot is hosting an event just for that.
In the press release, TxDOT said a Texas study found that nearly nine out of 10 babies and toddlers riding in safety seats, but more than a quarter of those seats were being used incorrectly. In research done by NHTSA they found that 59 percent of parents are using their car seat incorrectly. That is a lot.
To make sure you are not one of those parents you don't want to miss this event.
Certified car seat technicians will teach parents and caregivers how to determine if their child is in the right seat for the child’s age and size. TxDOT is asking that parents know their child’s height and weight and to bring their current safety seat for proper installation.
The Texas Department of Transportation is set to host a car seat safety event on Thursday, June 22, at Smith Auto Family, 1735 W. Division Street, in Slaton. The event will be from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
To find out how to avoid mistakes visit TxDOT’s website to find the appropriate safety seat for your child and more about the event.
For now, here are some things to remember:
- Check to make sure your car seat isn't used, damaged or expired
- The seat isn't attached incorrectly
- The car seat is level
- There is enough space between the front seat and the car seat
- The headrest is at the right height
- Shoulder straps are at the right height
- The cheat clip is in the right spot
- The straps aren't loose
- Your child is wearing the right clothes
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