Lubbock City Council Approves Purchase of New Snow Plow for Airport
Thursday night, the Lubbock City Council met in a regularly scheduled meeting. It was the first full meeting for newly elected Mayor Dan Pope and District 4 Councilman Steve Massengale. District 1 Councilman Victor Hernandez, and District 2 Councilman Floyd Price were both absent from the meeting.
The Lubbock City Council by a 4-0 vote accepted a donation of land at 1913 Baylor Street, which includes the abandoned, and condemned, Villa Del Norte apartment complex. The land donation is being funneled into Urban Renewal to allow the city more flexibility on what it ultimately wants to do with the property. Councilman Massengale recused himself from the vote.
The city council by a 5-0 vote approved the purchase of a new snow plow for Lubbock Preston Smith International Airport. The Oshkosh H-Series 22 foot front mount snow sweeper will replace a 1993 Kodiak model snow sweeper currently in service. The snow plow will be used to keep the runways and gate areas clear of snow and ice. According to airport staff, it will take six months for Oshkosh to construct the new snow plow for the city. After the new plow is delivered, the 1993 Kodiak will continue to be owned by the airport and will be used as a backup.
The purchase price for the Oshkosh H-Series snow plow is $579,495 and will eventually be paid for, in cash, from the reserve funds of the airport budget.
Finally, the city council approved another set of appointments for city board and commissions.
Newly retired Lubbock ISD Board of Trustee member Vernita Woods-Holmes was approved to serve on the Civic Lubbock, Inc. Board. Other appointments include Carrie Sima to serve on the Animal Services Advisory Board, Anthony Kite to serve on the Libraries Board and David Driskill to serve on the Urban Design and Historical Preservation Commission.
Also, Jay House was re-appointed to serve another term on the Canadian River Municipal Water Authority (CRMWA) Board, to represent the City of Lubbock. Finally, Eric Finley and Paige Holland were re-appointed to serve an additional term on the Citizens Traffic Commission.