Lubbock And Crosby County Court Hearings Will Be Held Remotely

Due to the rise in coronavirus cases connected to the delta variant, and because of the possibility of new cases due to schools beginning, court hearings in Lubbock County and Crosby County will go to remote hearings only.
Judge Ann-Marie Carruth took to Twitter on Monday to announce the changes for Lubbock County and Crosby County. According to Judge Carruth, medical professionals along with District and County Court-at-Law Judges met on Saturday evening to discuss the COVID-19 situation and the increase in cases and hospitalizations. Judge Carruth is the Judge for the 72nd Judicial District.
Judge Carruth said that "given those rapidly rising numbers and the potential increases as school begins, the judges determined it would be prudent to stop further in-person proceedings for the time being".
There will be one jury trial that began last week that will continue to meet in person though Wednesday. All other hearings will be done remotely until at least September 17th. According to Carruth, judges will meet before September 17th to discuss coronavirus numbers, hospitalizations, and whether it is a good idea to go back to in-person hearings.
According to University Medical Center in Lubbock, as of August 16, there were 96 patients in their hospital with coronavirus. Of those in the hospital at University Medical Center, 98% were unvaccinated individuals.
Cases of coronavirus, driven by the delta variant continue to spike throughout the state of Texas and the United States. Lubbock has seen it's share of cases.
If you have any questions about court proceedings or any other Lubbock County Court issue, contact the court coordinator for more information.