Texas Top Five Lost 80s Boy Toys
Ok, we have an "Awesome 80s weekend" every weekend here at Awesome 98 - Lubbock's Greatest Hits. So, it is only right that I, a Texan, give you the Top Five Boy Toys I enjoyed as a kid that are not available any more. These are definite classics - at least to me! And, when I say not available I mean not sold in stores right now - you can probably find some of E-Bay for a hefty price. Also, another note, while played with in 80's some of these are handing me downs from 70s, but played with in the late 70s and 80s - got it - good!
What prompted this list? Finding this in my garage...
5. Mattel Classic Football - the world's first "computerized" football game, this pocket game was snuck into many classrooms to play in "sound-off" mode. It's "change of possession" sound is famously featured in the Supertramp hit "The Logical Song." Here's a commercial for the classic game - as you can see the one in the commercial is a lot better shape than mine that is pictured above...Follow this link for an EBAY price.
4. Pulsar - The Ultimate Man of Adventure - One of my favorite action figures, Pulsar - The Ultimate Man of Adventure, looked like a jacked up Leslie Nielsen. The big draw here - you get see Pulsar's heart and blood pump! Yes, if you removed the top of jogging suit - a skinless chest! Pulsar also had brain disc that featured special missions. He truly was the ultimate man of adventure! Follow this link for an EBAY price.
3. ABC's Monday Night Talking Football - If there were no Madden, we'd all still playing "ABC's Monday Night Talking Football." With its little records doing all the play the selection, it truly was an original. The first edition of the game featured this commercial from the Vikings' Carl Eller and the 49ers John Brodie sporting a seriously 70s haircut...Follow this link for an EBAY price.
2. Kar-aa-ate Men - Released in 1975, this improvement on the 60's "Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots," played off the 70s Kung Fu craze with Kar-aa-ate Men. While I could not find a commercial on this amazing toy, I did find it's famous appearance on "All In The Family." Follow this link for an EBAY price...
1. Hugo Man of A Thousand Faces -Hugo is so super rare no commercial of it exists on YouTube. However, as a kid, this creepy toy let you disguise Hugo with beards, moustaches, warts, eye patched - you name it! Hugo made an appearance in Pee Wee Herman's first HBO special and then disappeared...here's how it worked...Follow this link for an EBAY price.
So there you go - mostly awesome toys from 70's that I played with in 80s. Like what you see?! Head to E-bay and get really to shell out some serous cash!
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