Too Early? Lubbockites Already Spotted with Christmas Lights
Everyone is just starting to get into their fall groove. The weather is cooling down, pumpkin spice is everywhere, and Halloween is just around the corner. Why is it then that some Lubbock locals are already getting ready for Christmas?
I was driving through my neighborhood this weekend, admiring the many adorable and spooky Halloween decorations people have in their yards, when I noticed one house in particular. They had absolutely no sign of any fall decorations on their home, but their roof was already perfectly adorned with Christmas lights.

It seems like we just got past the “is it too early for Halloween?” debate. Then, once November comes, it is common to see the debate of whether or not it is okay to put Christmas décor up before Thanksgiving. But I never thought it would be a concern that anyone would have Christmas decorations up as early as October 1st.
I understand the appeal of getting them up sooner than later, especially if you are having it done professionally. Not only does it mean that you have an open schedule to work with, but there might be some sort of early bird special. But jumping the gun on not just one, but two major holidays might seem like a lot.
In reality, I personally don’t care when people decide to decorate their homes. If it makes you happy to have Halloween décor up in August and Christmas décor in October, then do it. I had my fall décor out a week before the official start of fall, and I will probably put my Christmas tree up the weekend before Thanksgiving, and that is perfectly fine because it is what brings me and my family joy.
You do you, beau!