I came across a project here in Lubbock called Humans of Lubbock. It's taken from a project which went viral several years ago called Humans of New York.

Both projects tell stories of everyday people like you and me.  People who otherwise may not ever have a platform by which to tell their story.

Photo Courtesy: William Kilgore
Photo Courtesy: William Kilgore

One young woman's story starts out by stating, "My biggest regret is my mother. Which is weird, because without her I wouldn't have been born. I was addicted to alcohol from birth."

Another young man's story is one of a con artist. He begins by saying, "I literally got out of jail two hours ago. I'm a hustler. Call me a con artist, call me a scammer, but I gotta eat somehow."

I spoke with Benjamin Jarvis, Abigal Arroyos and William Kilgore, who are all major players in this project.

They said that the purpose of Humans of Lubbock is to highlight our diversity and to break stereotypes.

"Lubbock is small, [but] we have humans of all sorts and we are hear to tell their stories," they explained.

You can check out my interview with the three below.

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