Many of us won't be spending time with the extended family this year, here's some ways you can cope missing the loved ones this season.

My wife and I just moved to Lubbock so we won't be traveling this year to be with family. Luckily for us we have seen family recently and it's nice to spend our Christmas together, but for many it's hard to get home for the holidays for whatever reason.  Here's a few ways to beat the Holiday Blues.

TECHNOLOGY!  Yes, tools like Skype and Facetime are a great way to see your loved ones face to face.  Sure, it's not like really being there, but it's the next best thing and if you set everything up right you can really see them open each other's presents.

You can download SKYPE HERE, it's fairly easy to install, if you don't know how, find the kids or grand kids, they'll know how!  You can set up and account and call long distance for ridiculously low prices.  With today's fast internet speeds the video chat works pretty well.  My wife uses Skype for international calls with her father quite often, she pays very low rates and is able to talk for an hour or so without any problems.

Apple users probably already know about FACETIME but if not, it's also simple to set up on your phone or ipad. My mom lives up in North Dakota so we Facetime quite often and have breakfast together.

Now, if you can't swing Skype of Facetime, there's some other ways to get over homesickness over the Holidays.  I found a great article at PsychCentral that gives a few tips.

If you're away from the family PsychCentral contributor Nicole Davies says "seeing something new" and exploring your new surroundings is a great way to battle homesickness.

On the flip side, she says making some of your grandmother's favorite recipes or treats will help you connect with family.  Even going old-school and writing Christmas cards can help beat the blues.

Hopefully you are able to spend time with family and friends this Holiday season, if not, there's plenty of great ways to beat the blues or at least minimize them.  Happy Holidays everyone!

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