Great Big Early Settlers Day Celebration In Levelland July 8th
The pioneers who settled this land survived serious hardships and worked hard to pave the way for us so it is only right and fair that we should remember and celebrate Early Settlers Day, with perfect timing, right on the tail of our great big American Birthday 4th of July week.
Early Settlers Day Celebration is July 8th in the Hockley County Courthouse Square in Levelland. According to their website, one of the biggest events on the South Plains happens every second Saturday in July.
Get out to celebrate and explore the vendors around the town square with over 100 trade booths, great food, and music on stage.
Don't miss the Pancake Breakfast and fun for the whole family that includes kiddie train rides, pony rides, water slides, turtle race, stick horse race, a display of antique tractors and a great big parade.
For more information visit the levellandtexas.org website page, or their Facebook page