Even though it's nearly Halloween, many people (and businesses) are already bringing out the Christmas lights and decorations. Not this Lubbock home.

It seems everyone is in a rush all the time to get to the next season rather than enjoy each holiday as they come.

I say "enough!," and so does a local resident who goes all out with his Halloween decorations, transforming his home into a haunted sight for young and old alike.

If you haven't driven by 91st and Indiana and seen the spooky display (complete with its Children of the Corn theme), you need to take a look into the house where a witch is putting the finishing touches on a creepy potion and many more eerie scenes sure to bring a smile to everyone's face.

I spoke with the homeowner and he said he would be working late into the night tonight to finish all the scenes ready by Wednesday night.

Happy Halloween!

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