Daylight Saving Time Returns, Don’t Forget To Spring Forward
It's March, which means it is time for spring and to spring forward.
As the weather gets warmer, we all know it is time to change our clocks for Daylight Saving Time.
This year spring officially starts on Monday, March 20th, 2023 at 5:24 p.m. This marks the spring equinox and the beginning of the spring season for the Northern Hemisphere.
Daylight saving time always starts on the second Sunday of March and ends the first Sunday of November so the actual date always changes. This year it returns on Sunday, March 12th, 2023, at 2 a.m. Central Time here on the South Plains. So don't forget to change all your clocks ahead one hour before you go to bed Saturday night or when you wake up on Sunday morning.
This time change will give us an additional hour of sunlight during the summer evenings. The purpose of time changing at 2 a.m. was to minimize disruptions in daily life.
The purpose of Daylight Saving Time is to make better use of daylight during the summer months. DST has had a lot of concerns and controversies through the years. A lot of people want to get rid of it and not all states participate.
Currently, Arizona and Hawaii are the only two states that don't observe DST. There is currently a bill trying to get passed by Congress to eliminate DST across Texas. If it passes all the steps it will go to votes on November 7th, 2023.
You will be falling back this year on Sunday, November 5th, 2023.
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