Did You Know About This Brilliant Chick-fil-A Secret?
A TikTok revealing a secret Chick-fil-A hack has gone viral.
Have you ever wondered how the well-loved chicken establishment manages to have such efficient drive-thru times even when swamped?
A video posted on May 29th shows that apparently some Chick-fil-A locations have a conveyer belt system that runs from the kitchen to the drive-thru window. The employee of the restaurant, which is located in Georgia, used the ‘text to talk’ feature to explain what was being shown in the video.
In the footage, you see an elaborate conveyer belt system along the ceiling and walls of the kitchen. The bags of food are attached to the system with clips and they're dropped off by the drive-thru window. The user premises the footage by saying it is "a Chick-fil-a secret I bet you don’t know."
I definitely didn't know about it, and it got me thinking about how many other Chick-fil-A establishments have a system like this one.

According to a representative from Chick-fil-A, they have around 30 establishments with some form of a conveyer belt system. The system has also been in place for many years. However, not all of the systems are this big. A lot of the conveyer belts just run from one drive-thru window to the other. This is used at the locations with more than one drive-thru lane. They're also used at the restaurants with more than one story.
I wonder if any of the locations in Lubbock use one of these conveyer belts. It's a very clever system that a lot of people have no idea about.
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