I havn't actually used the Gaffgun and this is not an endorsement, but it's another on of those inventions that makes you wonder, "Why didn't I think Of That!"

I can't tell you how many times I've had to tape down cords!  As a drummer in a band we had to always do this so our rambunctious lead singer wouldn't trip and fall off the stage. In the radio biz this would come in handy when we do live events.  It could also be useful for churches and schools who have live programs or any other organization.  Heck, I'd like one just around the house to tape down cords for the fun of it!

Essentially all it is is a faster way to gather and tape the chords down.  They make it look simple, maybe it is, and it's almost 30 times faster than using the traditional method.

Now, these are NOT cheap, they retail around $200.00, but if you're doing a lot of live events, and IF it really works as slick as it seems, it might be worth the investment.

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