New Year, new organizational skills. If you're trying to get into food prepping to cut down on waste, make cooking meals less of a hassle and make your fridge way more aesthetically pleasing, look no further. I've put together a handy selection of storage containers and prep tools to help you launch your 2023 goal.New Year, new organizational skills. If you're trying to get into food prepping to cut down on waste, make cooking meals less of a hassle and make your fridge way more aesthetically pleasing, look no further. I've put together a handy selection of storage containers and prep tools to help you launch your 2023 goal.
Eight Ugly Christmas Sweaters And a Partridge In a Pear Tree
Ugly Christmas sweater parties are right around the corner. Whether you're looking for something gaudy and obnoxious or something that'll make you laugh, I've put together a very classy (horribly ugly) list of excellent contenders.
Water filtration is super important for removing contaminants from your water supply! It also provides a crisper, more refreshing tasting water- far superior to bottled water. Plus, it's better for the environment- no plastic bottles in a landfill for us! Here's a list of Amazon's best rated water filtration systems!
I love kid's books so much! They're always fun and the art is always so cute and who doesn't love reading a bedtime story? I've put together a nice little list of best sellers and Amazon-recommended children's books along with some I'm personally a big fan of!
Say Goodbye to Summer With End of Season Patio Furniture
It'll still be hot in most places in the USA until mid-October, however, there are loads of deals and discounts and last-minute patio pieces to snap up before the end of the season! I've put together a list of perfect pieces to kick off the end of summer.
Ah, the age-old question: what should I get my kid's teacher as a gift? Perhaps a nice shiny red apple? Kidding. I think this is actually pretty simple. Something that's useful but not overly expensive and shows them that you care and appreciate their dedication to your kiddo's education. Alternatively, you could always pitch in with your fellow parents to help pay for supplies in the classroom throughout the year! Onto the list!
There's truly something about the ease of getting everything you need for the new semester in one discounted swoop. Whether it's a new backpack, pens, notebooks or art supplies, I've put together a few options for back-to-school supply bundles to make getting your kids ready to go back to school this fall a breeze!
Floating coolers are a life-saver if you're a frequent river-floater. Or if you just have a pool but like to have drinks and snacks on hand at all times. Each of these are a great option that you can tether to your own float while you drift away down the river with your friends and family. Make sure it's stocked with water along with the sodas and beers so nobody gets dehydrated though! Anyways, here we go!
Finding the right sunscreen that is both safe for kiddos, provides adequate SPF and won't contaminate our oceans can be stressful. Let me help you! I've put together a nice little list of Amazon's top kid-friendly sunscreens so your kid can be protected from the sun this summer and you won't have to worry.
Training your little ones to be confident and safe in the water can be difficult. But with the right set of helpful tools, you can supplement their swim lessons at home or at the public pool with this selection of helpful items I've put together!
Eight BBQ Grills and Smokers For Your Backyard Barbeque
Summer is right around the corner! So it's time to upgrade that grill you've had since 2009 and get ready for a summer full of backyard barbeques and fun! I've put together a list of smokers, charcoal and propane grills with great ratings. Let's go!
Over 213,000 reviews can't be wrong about this cordless handheld car vacuum! With an average rating of four stars, the THISWORX portable car vacuum cleaner is the #1 best-selling handheld car vacuum on Amazon.