Crash Kelley
Texodus: The Top States Texans Are Moving To and Why
The population growth in Texas would be more profound if so many Texans weren't also leaving. The 2019 census revealed nearly a half million people left Texas. What was once a great place to live is feeling the pressures of urbanization, overcrowding, and services lagging behind growth.
Why Isn’t Father’s Day Celebrated As Much As Mother’s Day?
When asked in the LendEDU survey which holiday is more important, Mother's Day or Father's Day, 24.2% said Mother's Day and only 1.8% said Father's Day. The rest, 74%, said "neither" they are equally important. Clearly, that is not true overall if overall retail spending on both holidays is considered.
When Texas Self-Checkouts Go Bad, Lawyers Say Avoid Them
The whole self-checkout push by big retailers like Walmart and Target has dissatisfied many customers. It is no coincidence that the first four letters of dissatisfied spell "diss". Now, they could be opening you up to shoplifting charges.
Can You Legally Shoot Trespassers in Texas?
It is widely believed that if someone is trespassing on your property in Texas, you have a legal right to shoot them. Is this true? As with so many legal questions, the answer can be complicated.
10 Ways To Lose Your Driver’s License in Texas
Texas doesn't have a certain number of points for running a red light or speeding like some states, but it does keep track of violations and assesses points, which are used to levy surcharges on drivers. Doing any of these ten things will cost you your Texas Driver's License.
Can A Texas Landlord Enter Your Property Whenever They Want?
Creative landlords can find any "emergencies" if they are motivated to snoop. I love the motion sensor and internet-enabled cameras I install around any rented unit. If the landlord comes in when I'm not there, I want to know why.
Can Texas Businesses Charge More For Credit Card Purchases?
Texas Law protects consumers against paying more with a credit card. A judge ruled that was a violation of businesses' rights. Since then, you may pay more for using a credit card. There are specific rules, however.
If You See Purple Paint In Texas, Stay Away
Texas' Purple Paint law went into effect on September 1, 1997. The color purple is a legally recognized alternative to a "no trespassing" sign.
Can you Go To Jail For Picking Bluebonnets In Texas?
Is it illegal to pick bluebonnets?
There is no law that prohibits picking bluebonnets in Texas, according to the Texas Department of Public Safety. There are some places where it may be illegal or dangerous.
Texas Top Spelling Search on Google is “Normal”
Generally speaking, "normal" in Texas is a little bigger, spicier, friendlier, and cheaper than anywhere else. Normal in Texas is warmer, wilder, and happier. Frankly, the fact that Texans might have trouble spelling the word "normal" is a badge of honor. There's nothing normal about the Dallas Cowboys or the spectacular sunsets of San Angelo.
Will You Have To Pay For Plastic Bags At Walmarts In Texas?
Walmart has a zero waste goal and has joined a program called the "Beyond the Bag" initiative. This probably means Texas Walmart stores will soon be added to the initiative to rid stores of single-use plastic bags.
Is There A Dress Code For Voting in Texas?
All states have some restrictions when it comes to voting in person. Most states also have rules about actively campaigning within a certain distance from the polling place. Many states, including Texas, also have extended that rule to include a dress code.