Now during social distancing, the effort of this sweet message really comes through here in Lubbock. A caring youngster named Nick's gesture is truly appreciated. He leads the way for us to find ways to acknowledge and thank our hardworking City of Lubbock workers.

This unique message couldn't be missed. What a tremendous idea. How often do we think about tireless workers like our city's sanitation team? And how about the great smile on Nick's face when they replied with the sweet note signed with a heart, pictured in the Facebook post above.

Hello Nick, It's nice to meet you! I hope you are staying safe!

I just love this! When I was a kid, I also thought the sanitation truck was a big deal when it came through and would holler and wave at them every time. But Nick took the time to write the huge note, and set it outside his home for the city's Solid Waste Team to see. How great is that? A big shout out for him, and a big shout out for our City of Lubbock workers.

A little research shows that lots of kids love our sanitation workers and their big truck. So now that we're all grown up, let's find that enthusiasm again.

Let's find that moment to stop and think about what a difference it can make in someone's day, and how that can have a ripple effect through their life when we remember to acknowledge and appreciate them and what they do.

There is an official National Garbage Man Day that has just been renamed National Waste and Recycling Workers Week. It takes place in June during the week of the 17th, according to Waste Advantage Magazine.

There's a Waste and Recycling Workers website with great information about our sanitation and recycling. They have a lot of ideas to help us celebrate our hardworking city sanitation men and women, including a coloring book for the kids. Follow this link for more about that.

Let's follow Nick's lead and remember to thank our hardworking Lubbock workers everywhere.

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