There are a lot of things to vote on in Lubbock this fall, but Proposition A, the last item on the ballot, should be the first one on your mind.

While the City of Lubbock, chamber of commerce and some local businesses are pushing for Prop A to pass, here's what you need to know before you vote.

If it's passed, it will be a $174.5 million bond package for infrastructure and street improvements. What does that mean for your pocket? A two-cent property tax increase, meaning a little over $8 a year in you own at $150,000 house for the next five years.

To some that doesn't seem like a lot, while others are really having a hard time putting food on the table let alone paying more money in taxes. What's going to happen to the people who already can't afford things? The most important thing is being free to vote and pick what you think is right for the city and your family. I'm just here to give you all the information to make your best decision.

There are 13 streets on the list, and the fixes include changing the brick roads on Broadway that some people love because of it's history. Broadway alone, however, is going to cost $42 million. They say these new, smoother roads will help with traffic and keeping everyone safer. The last time they've done something this big was in 2009.

According to the City of Lubbock's website:

"The purpose of providing funds for permanent public improvements, to wit: to acquire, construct and reconstruct street improvements, including but not limited to sidewalks, utility line relocation and traffic signalization, necessary and related storm drainage facilities and the acquisition of land and rights-of-way therefor; said bonds to mature serially over a period of not to exceed forty (40) years from their date."

Here are some of the bigger roads in the outlined plan:

Broadway Ave. – Rebuild from brick and asphalt to historic brick and brick pavers, from University Ave. to Canyon Lakes Drive

Broadway Ave. – Construct a pedestrian creek crossing between Cesar Chavez Drive and Canyon Lakes Drive

University Ave. – Widen from three lanes to seven lanes, from 98th Street to 114th Street

34th Street – rebuild five-lane road, from I-27 to Avenue A and rebuild five-lane road, from Quaker Ave. to Slide Rd.

82nd Street – widen from two lanes to three lanes from I-27 to Martin Luther King Blvd.

114th Street – widen from three lanes to five lanes, from Indiana Ave. to city limits east of University Ave. and widen from two lanes to five lanes, from Frankford Ave. to Slide Rd.

Milwaukee Ave. – widen from two lanes to five lanes, from Fourth Street northward

The slide below from the City of Lubbock shows the rest of the streets if you're interested in seeing the full list:

Source: City of Lubbock
City of Lubbock

If you're passionate about this issues and want your voice to be heard, remember early voting is going through October 29th and election day is November 2nd. Here's a list of Lubbock voting center locations.

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