From a great article in the Huffington Post here are five things we all USED to be able to do, but can't anymore because of technology.

The really hit home for me because they're so common and I've tried to do them all in the last week or two. It's actually pretty sad that we rely so heavily on technology today, are we really any better off or happier?

1.  Remember phone numbers.  Um yeah hello?  You're just a name in my phone, I have NO idea what anyone's number actually is, nor could I remember even if I wanted to.

2.  Remember birthdays.  Everyone relies on Facebook now of course so most of don't even try to remember such things.

3.  Do long division.  Everyone has a calculator on their phone, I had to do some simple math on paper last week and it was a real chore, it's like our brains don't have time to mess with that nonsense anymore.

4.  Write in cursive… my signature looks like it's written by a mental patient, seriously.

5.  Remember directions.  Because we all have GPS now…we almost go into a panic when it doesn’t work. Every so often you hear about someone who drives into something because they were following their GPS to literally.

Bottom line is that we're all connected into our phone, tablets and computers.  Thinking seems to be a thing of the past, we just "look it up" or use an app nowadays.  I wonder where this will get us as a race in the next 100 years?

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