What creeps you out more - bats or spiders? Most folks I know are somewhat terrified by one or the other with spiders coming out on top.

If Annette Alaniz Guajardo of Poteet, Texas is scared of either she must have had quite a fright the other day. One morning when she was leaving for work she noticed a bat hanging from a spiders web outside of her home.

When she returned later that day she took some awesome photos of the bat and the owner of the web and sent them over to KSAT12.

In a couple of the shots, the banana spider appears to be as large as the bat.

Yikes, it looks like something from King Kong island. A snake needs to slither up and eat them both, followed by a Texas T-Rex popping out of the garage.

Poteet is known as the birthplace of George Strait which is one of the coolest "birthplace of" signs ever. But, hey there's more to the small town than you might think.

Send us your photos of crazy critters that you spot.

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