Do You Know Where the Oldest Church in Texas is?Do You Know Where the Oldest Church in Texas is?The oldest church in Texas is located at the center of one city. It has a rich history and draws in thousands of tourist each year. Maleri McHamMaleri McHam
We Really Need A List Of Everything That’s Satanic And Evil Before It HappensWe Really Need A List Of Everything That’s Satanic And Evil Before It HappensWhy was the woman in red satanic but not the football team in red?WesWes
Hot Take: You SHOULD Be Able To Fire Someone For Their BeliefsHot Take: You SHOULD Be Able To Fire Someone For Their BeliefsIt's ridiculous that an employee can refuse to do part of a job they are paid to do. WesWes
Texas Mom Boycotts Disney Movie Sequel Because of...Satan?Texas Mom Boycotts Disney Movie Sequel Because of...Satan?Central Texas mom Jamie Gooch is campaigning against the release of Disney's 'Hocus Pocus 2' out of fear it might turn kids into Satan-worshipping puppy killers.Lance BallanceLance Ballance