Texas Gov. Greg Abbott ended his first legislative session this week by saying recreational or medicinal marijuana won't become legal while he's in office.
In news out of Longview, Texas, on Monday, State Rep. David Simpson filed House Bill 2165, in favor of removing the prohibition on marijuana in the state of Texas. Rep. Simpson says marijuana should be regulated like tomatoes, jalapenos and coffee.
Abbott, Texas native Willie Nelson is a well-known marijuana legalization advocate. Following the legalization of the drug in Washington, D.C. and Oregon, the Texas country singer appeared on CNN to talk about why he thinks it won't be long until marijuana is legalized all over the U.S.
A Texas rancher got the surprise of his life when he discovered $2 million in marijuana plants growing on property he recently leased from the Army Corp of Engineers.
Who would have thought, but T.V. evangelist Pat Robertson has come out saying marijuana should be legalized and treated like alcohol. He points to the fact that the governments war on drugs has failed.
There's a new candy that's being marketed to about 1,000 retailers nationwide. It's called "Pothead Ring Pots" and "Pothead Lollipops". The bagged candy has on its packaging a pot-smoking peace-sign-waving caricature and the word "Legalize".