My friends, I stand high atop a mountain to proclaim to the world, that I, after tasting thousands of plates of biscuits and gravy, that there is one clear winner.

Today is National Buttermilk Biscuit Day (5/14). A recent survey said that the number one thing Texans like on their biscuits is "butter". While I will pound down a buttery biscuit any day of the week, the real answer is "sausage gravy". Now that we're straight, let's get to it.

Biscuits and gravy are like a religion to me. The only thing I eat more often for breakfast is Ramen and that's because I'm a dang weirdo who gets up early in the morning (2 a.m.). There is nothing like a plate of biscuits and gravy to fill you up and actually warm you up on a cold morning.

Now let's start this celebration and selection with the fact that if you have your gravy without sausage crumbles in it, then I don't even want to talk to you. Not only do you need the sausage to add a little protein to that creamy white goodness you also need the drippin's from the sausage to make it taste great.

Okay, now that we've set the standard for biscuits and gravy, I'm here to proclaim that no one can outdo the hot bar/deli at United Supermarkets. Yes, they may come close, and they may even tie, but for consistancy and greatness, a supermarket of all places, is the absolute best.

The Nessmania special; Migas, cheesy potatoes, sausage, and enough sausage gravy that you can't even see the biscuits.
The Nessmania special; Migas, cheesy potatoes, sausage, and enough sausage gravy that you can't even see the biscuits.

United should be promoting their biscuits and gravy the same way Costco promotes hot dogs because it's just that dang good. It is manna, the food of the gods and it is welcome in my belly anytime. I don't know how they make it, and if it's a mix, then I do not want to know. All I can say is that it doesn't have that chemical-y taste that most restaurants who use a mix has. I can also testify that I've had the sausage gravy at two different United's and at Amigo's and it's great at every store, every time.

(Note: Wes is a paid spokesman for United Supermarkets, but that has nothing to do with his love of gravy). 

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