Antenna Staff

Tesla’s Self-Driving Car Is a Serious Technological Breakthrough
The latest innovation in the auto industry will take your breath away, which is good because you'll be able to use your hands to cover your mouth when your jaw hits the floor.

Get an Inside Look at the Worst Car Ever Made
There's nothing like a good car. It's dependable, escorts on some key life moments and may even earn a name. A bad car? Uggh. That's a different story.

High School Hockey Players Maul Ref Who Hit Teammate
Looks like high schoolers north of the border have as much trouble with referees as ones in the States do.

Watch Girl Punter Throw Impressive (And Maybe Record-Setting) 50-Yard Touchdown
Well, here’s something you don’t see every day.

High School Football Player Tears Opponent’s Helmet Off, Smacks Him With It
High school football is getting a very bad reputation.

Tom Brady’s Suspension Overturned
New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady has won his appeal to have his four-game suspension overturned.

Truck Smashes Into Overpass, Trucker Probably Needs a New Job
Attention, truckers: DO NOT try to pass under the East Street Bridge.

4-Year-Old Kid’s Bat Flip Is More Badass Than Anything You’ll Ever Pull Off
You watchin' this, Yasiel Puig?

Dad Nearly Drops Kid While Falling Over Railing to Pick Up Home Run Ball
Albert Pujols has hit a lot of home runs in his career (more than 500!), but this dinger has raised eyebrows.

Watch a Bullet Being Fired in Super-Super-Super Slow Motion — 73,000 Frames Per Second
Mythbusters' Adam Savage: "Mushroom clouds and little rivulets of gases and fire forming on flame fronts of pressure waves and stuff."

World Record Solo Slackline Walk Will Have You Totally on Edge
The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. But when that line is nearly a thousand feet off the ground and no wider than the head of a pin, it's a sight to behold.

America’s Longest Zipline Goes a Blazing 90 Miles Per Hour
If you're looking for a different kind of rush than, say, walking high above the earth, may we suggest this?