
Cowboy Tuff Chex: Texas' Longhorn World Record Holder
Cowboy Tuff Chex: Texas' Longhorn World Record Holder
Cowboy Tuff Chex: Texas' Longhorn World Record Holder
Experience the awe-inspiring presence of Cowboy Tuff Chex, the Longhorn whose record-breaking horns have made him a legend. Visit Bentwood Ranch and witness the majestic sight of Cowboy Tuff Chex, the Texas Longhorn with an unbelievable 8-foot horn spread.
Oklahoma Is To Blame For The Horrible Super Bowl Grass
Oklahoma Is To Blame For The Horrible Super Bowl Grass
Oklahoma Is To Blame For The Horrible Super Bowl Grass
If you watched the game you know how much people were hating the grass. Players were falling and they were showing how many shoes they were having to change into because of it. Well, it all makes sense now, Oklahoma is to blame. Specifically, Oklahoma State University and they were bragging about it...

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